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May 03, 2007


michelle mark

Thanks so much Joseph for keeping us up-to-date! I always look forward to your entries. Hello to Allan and Vernice, and the rest of the pilgrims, I continue to be so excited for you all. What a fantastic experience.



Megan Just-Mancini

This message is for Evelyn Just and it is extremely important that she recieves this message and respondes as soon as possible.

Today I got into the car to drive to work and all these signs started flashing. I looked it up in the handbook and they mean that there is either some sort of power steering failure and/or there is and electrical failure within the car. Unfortunately, Mayfield Toyota will not come to toe the car free of charge because the milage is over. Awesome. Don't worry, I parked the car and took a cab.

My question is, do you want me to get them to come get the car and look at what's wrong? Dad is willing to pay for whatever the internal issue is until you get home? Or do you just want me to leave it sitting outside?

Do we have AMA? If so, where can I get the info for it?

Sorry to bug you on your vacation.. I know the whole "car issue" was your worst nightmare, but because it was an electical problem there was nothing that could have been done to prevent it.

I hope your trip is going well and it sure would be nice to hear back from you ASAP. I really need to know what to do. (EMAIL ME)

Love you

Megan Just-Mancini


This message is for Evelyn. Because you didn't responde, I took the car into the dealership and paid for a diagnostic as to what was going on. All they will tell me is we need new tires and if that doesn't work then we'll have to pay for something else. I hope the people at Mayfield aren't as rude to you as they were to me.

At any rate, I'm leaving the car in the basement and you can deal with the complications when you get home. David will be picking you up from the airport.

I hope your trip is going well. I would be really nice to hear from you.


Megan Just-Mancini


This message is for Evelyn. Because you didn't responde, I took the car into the dealership and paid for a diagnostic as to what was going on. All they will tell me is we need new tires and if that doesn't work then we'll have to pay for something else. I hope the people at Mayfield aren't as rude to you as they were to me.

At any rate, I'm leaving the car in the basement and you can deal with the complications when you get home. David will be picking you up from the airport.

I hope your trip is going well. I would be really nice to hear from you.


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