|Yesterday was a blistering hot day beginning at Masada, followed by a visit to Qumran and then a float/bob/ dip in the Dead Sea. Today we spent the morning in Bethlehem, visiting the Church of the Nativity off Manger Square. It is a place in all likelihood lays as great a claim as any to be the place where Jesus was born. The Christians in the Holy Land often feel quite beseiged, as they are a minority within a minority. More than one commented that soon there would be no Christians left here.
After lunch in Bethlehem we headed off to the Shepherd's Field - the traditional area where the angels announced the birth of the Messiah, and also the setting for the gleaning of the book of Ruth. After some songs, readings and prayers, we headed back into Jerusalem.
We had a grand tour of the Israel Museum which contains the Shrine of the Book - the ancien findings from Qumran which comprise the Dead Sea Scrolls. Tomorrow it's up early (before the 32 degree heat) for some walking around the Mount of Olives and the Old City Gates