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January 25, 2011


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It seems to me that wanting plays a powerful role here. At the heart of our self-deception surely lies something we want. "I satisfy so well". Echos of James and selfish desires here.

Which do we *want* - an ugly creature or a beautiful one(truth notwithstanding)? Naturally, if our wanting (the source of it all) doesn't change, we'll not stop the self deception, because we don't want to.

Hmmm... Notice the alternate direction of the same dynamic, where intentional human focus and desire has power and effect.

"Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart."


Good thoughts, Scott. It seems to me that Dante "constructs" the beauty of the Siren in his dream, in the sense that he himself conjures it up out of his own will. I think there is also an ambiguity in the poem, in that the Siren also has the quality of being "outside" him at the same time.

I like your concluding thought.

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  • Copyright Rev. Joseph Walker, St Timothy's Anglican Church

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