Info on 2011 Holy Land Pilgrimage

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September 15, 2010


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Having sat through a rambling sermon by the Primate (35 minutes on a week day holy day), I'm inclined to think he's mostly a victim of bad writing rather than random synchretism. If it had been "texts we each regard as sacred" it would have been clear it was a call for peaceful tolerance of other religions.


I suspect you are right, Malcolm. My wife (who teaches English) spends the first two weeks of every course looking at questions of clarity. My own experience of ongoing travel and pilgrimage leadership in the Middle East has added a great deal to my thinking about these sorts of things. I suppose one of these days I should collate some of that into a post and reflections on the whole thing.


Fred may be a nice bloke, however may I suggest turning to Fr Zakaria Botros or Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali for insight on things you have noticed on your trips to Egypt & the Holy Land.


Hi Tom; no offense to +Fred, but I didn't intend to turn to him for insight on that score. :^) Over the years I have kept travel journals of my trips throughout the Middle East/Turkey/Eastern Med area, and one of these days I'll have to start posting some of the them.


Bishop Nazir-Ali is going to be speaking at the ANiC Synod this year. I am looking forward to listening to him!

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  • Copyright Rev. Joseph Walker, St Timothy's Anglican Church

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