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September 13, 2008


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The really scary stuff is in the comments section to Gerson's post.


The terrible elements of what Dr LaLonde suggests spread out in many directions, one which is also the idea that parents are clueless and confused. I find that the medical and certainly educational professions if not left in check, tend to look upon parents as breeders who need professional help as to what to do with the spawn/biochemical reaction that has emanated from them (regardless of ability)

It is evidence of an inorganic way of looking at life. Placing things out of order. And this disorder may either manifest itself in terms of a childless teacher handing out parental advice pamphlets at school or doctors advising abortion after the test results are in. Either way, the roles are out of order.

As a society, we've got a lot of thinking to do as far as what is the purpose of life and the role of the family if we're going to realign things.


Tim - the comments are really something, aren't they?

Leslie - I find that advocacy is really one of the most important, and yet sometimes the most resisted, roles that a parent can take.

Ann Marie Nicklin

I have a real concern with society's apparent need for perfection. Certainly in this particular article it is getting pretty dangerous. But it is in other areas of our lives.

I think of my sister who went through a devastating break-up a few years ago. There was a prescription for effexor right away and it was harder coming off the drug than dealing with the emotional trama of the break-up. We aren't allowed to mourn in public and heaven forbid that a tragedy in our lives should ever make itself known it the work place.

The husband of a friend of mine died a few years back. She is a priest and was assistant to another priest at the time. The priest figured my friend should be over the tears part of mourning in a mere 3 months.

I had another friend whose family contacted me because she was having periods of heavy mourning a few months after the death of a close family member.

Society does not want to have to see that the world is not all sunshine and roses. It happens on a number of levels. I believe the Church needs to speak up about this. Society wants surface perfection - it is not as concerned about what may lie underneath. It's all an illusion and I firmly believe that we, as Christians, have a much more realistic outlook about imperfection and the hope of God's transforming grace.


If there is one thing I've learned along the way, it is that we are all broken.


Amazing story of abortion survivor Gianna Jessen
Part 2 is on the link


Ann Marie, it sounds to me like the doctor mis-prescribed Effexor. However, for people who have genuine clinical depression (ie feeling like you've just had a major breakup or like your best friend has died, when there is NO objective reason to feel that way). It is no exaggeration for me to say that anti depressant medication gave me my life back. I am shocked that the priest thought that the tears part of mourning should be over in three months! It is different for everybody, and there is no should.


argh. After the brackets it should read :Effexor can be a life saver.

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  • Copyright Rev. Joseph Walker, St Timothy's Anglican Church

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