Info on 2011 Holy Land Pilgrimage

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August 23, 2008


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As I read the Gospel at yesterday's service, I cast aside the sermon I had planned and did a riff on the Messianic Secret - including a one-liner much like your closing thought.


I also tended to expand on that line a bit more in my own sermon. I thought a bit as well about how Jesus does not directly jump to the "who do you say I am" question. Instead we have the question about the people - what do they think, are we as disciples conversant enough with the culture around us, and what do our neighbours think about Jesus. And then I also see in this part of the Messianic secret the idea that perhaps one needs to walk with Jesus further before one is equipped to share the Good News. I also did a bit of contrast between the silence here and the loud proclamation of the great commission at the end of Matthew's Gospel.


"And then I also see in this part of the Messianic secret the idea that perhaps one needs to walk with Jesus further before one is equipped to share the Good News."

Hmmmmmm. I think you're on to something.

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  • Copyright Rev. Joseph Walker, St Timothy's Anglican Church

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