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« sermon notes Pentecost 15: Matthew 16: 13-20 | Main | Cyprian: On the Unity of the Church, pt 1 »

August 24, 2008


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The Sheepcat

Wow. He don't pull too many punches, that Cyprian, do he?


Sheepcat: it's just my own limited observation, but I have found that writers who have gone on to be martyred for their faith tended to be a bit, shall we say, bolder in their proclamation during their ministries.


As I read the Gospel at yesterday's service, I cast aside the sermon I had planned and did a riff on the Messianic Secret - including a one-liner much like your closing thought.


Of course, that last comment from me was supposed to be on the next post.


Malcolm - noted and moved to correct location, thanks.


Malcolm - what is the "Messianic Secret"? Just that Jesus did not go around saying "Hey, guess what guys, I'm the Messiah!"?


alex - it's that little bit where Jesus tells his disicples not to tell anyone that he is the Messiah jsut after Peter's confession. The question is, why would Jesus sternly order them NOT to tell anyone that he is the Messiah. Or at least, not to tell them yet...

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  • Copyright Rev. Joseph Walker, St Timothy's Anglican Church

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