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« sermon notes for Pentecost 9, Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23 | Main | sermon notes for Pentecost 10, Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 »

July 13, 2008


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The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Psalm 19

I used to interpret this as metaphor until Carl Sagan discovered reverberation, in a sense - music, emanating from the centre of the Milky Way. Somehow I think metaphor and literal exist in holy union in Scripture. God isn't a tricker, he instead applauds the faith of a child, which is one of the most literal developmental phases of life. Yet at the same time, his revelation to the world is rich and deep. With every discovery, a new avenue to explore.

That aside, I'm left wondering why the heavens declare the glory of God if it is our neighbor that should be of primary importance. When the people threw down palm branches for the King to walk on, the very stones would have cried out should they have been absent. The afternoon of the triumphal entry, where did it all leave the neighbour? Was God in need of a little me-time that afternoon?

Is this inconsistent? Is there a dichotomy of worship of the Divine and service to humanity where one pauses from service to worship? Or is the fulfillment of my neighbour rooted in the glorification of God.

Not literally I suppose. Singing a round of Shine Jesus Shine won't summon the bread truck...

But then perhaps that's not the literal outcome. Perhaps instead that's the instant one.

I'm not challenging your post. Just thinking out loud.


Well, singing a round of Shine Jesus Shine won't summon the *physical* bread truck.

The declaration of the glory of God is worship, but it is also a testimony and a witness; it's fundamentally an evangelistic action. I'm hard pressed to think of a greater service.


Joe, have you found a wireless connection that beams into your cabin somehow?


You're right, Tim, it's kind of mysterious...


By the way Scott, I liked what you had to say about worship, with the bread truck comment I was only trying to mull over how someone (not me) who holds to a point of view such as is found in this article I just found... they might interpret the head space of Christ the day of his triumphal entry. The emphasis he places on worship of himself there (the very stones would cry out) appears to sideline the poor or even the neighbor briefly, and in fact appears to catch Christ in an inconsistency with all of his talk about selfless love of neighbour, unless, *unless* there is more to the impact of worship of Christ than meets the eye.

It has me thinking that if we humans spent more time debating "what is the chief end of man" then if we read the Bible literalistically sometimes, things might work out fairly well.

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  • Copyright Rev. Joseph Walker, St Timothy's Anglican Church

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