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April 18, 2008


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Hmm. Not much meat here. Reads more like an agenda than a report.

One phrase caught my attention: '[Primate Fred] described people in meetings and communities and other places he visited as "being as one" in their love for the church, and he also spoke again and again of people who share with him their pride in being Anglican and engaged in God's mission.' I would be far happier to hear of people "being as one" in their love for their Saviour Jesus. I will always remember phrases I have heard at funerals of how the person "loved his church." I want to know how they "loved their Saviour", first of all, and then how they loved Jesus' Church.

And on another observation, "God" is mentioned twice in the report, and Christ Jesus not at all. Compare the previous post of a portion of Pope Benedict's address: "The goal of all our pastoral and catechetical work, the object of our preaching, and the focus of our sacramental ministry should be to help people establish and nurture that living relationship with "Christ Jesus, our hope" (1 Tim 1:1)." I have to say Pope Benedict's words give me hope(!), while the Anglican House of Bishops' report simply leaves me deflated.

"But take heart," Jesus said. "I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)
Thank-you, Lord Jesus.


I agree with you, Donald - this 'pride in being Anglican' business leaves me cold. 'God forbid that I should boast, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ'.

When I was a kid growing up in England, I don't think I even heard of the word 'Anglican' until I was in my teens, and in our church we certainly never lost any sleep over 'Anglican identity'. If you'd have asked us if we were Anglican, someone would probably have said, 'Well, we meet in a Church of England building, don't we?' The Anglican Reformers never meant to found a distinctive denomination with anything unique to offer; they wanted to create 'the Church of England' - a rather prosaic aim, simply what a friend of mine would call 'Bog-standard Christianity' for England. Funny how, once it got exported overseas, people started getting neurotic about how 'Anglican' it was...

But never forget - the institutional church is inevitably one of the Principalities and Powers...


It would appear to be a great opportunity for ++Fred to step up to the plate & be a strong Christian leader or circle the wagons instead & plot on how to crush the resistance in the Diocese of New West. Ironic as our Priests have until April 22nd to respond against abandonment of ministry charges as we have been on this road of revisionism for the last decade with +Ingham & ++Peers etc.


Well it looks like they have things well in hand.


Yup. Apparently all is well...and happy also to hear about "this summer's Lambeth Conference of all the bishops of the Communion". Hmm. Who did you say was coming?

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  • Copyright Rev. Joseph Walker, St Timothy's Anglican Church

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