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April 01, 2008


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You, sir, are a bade mane - yea, verilie.


Oh Joe - still lots of good stuff in the prayer booke even though it goes against the grain of the "Doctrine of Doubt" professed by the leadership of my Diocese.
Rev. J. Packer has a few insightful takes on the Prayer Book see and click on "An Affair of the Heart" Dec 16, 2007 or the most recent "Wisdom of the Prayer Book". Enjoy !


Tom - you will have to check the date for the post (April fool's)!


I saw that but wanted to work in a plug for Dr. Packer and his reflections - cheers


A number of years ago I heard Dr Packer speak on the virtues of the Daily Office from the BCP. It has been part of my own personal spiritual discipline for about two decades now.

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  • Copyright Rev. Joseph Walker, St Timothy's Anglican Church

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