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March 12, 2008


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You are very very bad.
Your point being???
I'm with the eminently sensible Father Jolly.
I think this little cartoon is great. I ran across it some time ago and it brought to mind a certain dear and greatly missed fellow who has left the Diocese and is now canonically resident in some Diocese in the state of New York. And, of course, it also totally brings to mind me.


I think Fr Jolly is an eminently sensible fellow as well. I think he should be bishop. There was a whole series of cartoons which flourished circa 2004.


I always come away from felix hominum with a deeper understanding of the questions of life.




I just love it when I read your blog and come away wanting to sing...shine on me....


You know, I think the world needs a low church happy clappy counterpoint to Father Jolly. Anybody have any ideas?


I'll see what I can come up with...


The Father Jolly series first appeared (as far as I can tell) in the old Fireside chat with the Rector blog, which has since disappeared into oblivion. The current version of the blog address is something in Korean. Go figure.


Does anyone know where to find more Fr. Jolly cartoons? I have googled Fr Jolly, Father Jolly, etc., and found a couple more,but my email recipients are clamoring for more, more, more. I need help.

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  • Copyright Rev. Joseph Walker, St Timothy's Anglican Church

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