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February 09, 2008


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the kind of bishop would be the best for me, as someone who is curious about the anglican church, but ambigious, would be someone who is willing to discuss publically, the tradition, history and culture of the orginazation, to be a public voice for the ambiguity and difficulty the church is going thru.

sometimes leadership is saying i dont know where i am going, but i will make sure you are fed, and clothed, and loved while we wander together...


'Not all who wander are lost"... Which is to say, there is what some have liked to call a "voyage of discovery", in which one sets out hoping to strike gold at some point. And then there is the intentional pilgrimage, in which one knows at the outset where one is intended to end up, if even by a roundabout route.

Interesting take on leadership. I would add that the guidelines for episcopacy, as enumerated in Scripture and echoed in our diocesan search documents, tell us that while a bishop is not expected to "have every answer", there are some things about which a bishop cannot be ambiguous. I would posit the creeds as a start.


but the creeds, like the scripture are documents that are alive, and subject to revelation?

you are forgetting the importance of hats.


I would rather posit that the bishop is subject to revelation...


Here's how I select who to vote for: I have the computer assign a random number between -13 and 13 to each letter of the alphabet, work out a numeric value for each candidates name, and normalize it by the number of characters in the name. Then I flip a coin to choose if I vote for the most positive or most negative candidate.

It's as good an approach as any I've heard of...


Personally, I prefer that all important decisions be settled by a google fight

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  • Copyright Rev. Joseph Walker, St Timothy's Anglican Church

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