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February 10, 2008


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Episcopalians have a Saturday evening Church custom here in Florida - it has everything to do with Sunday morning golf games! (From the preacher's perspective ... it means the sermon has to be done by 5 pm Saturday!)

Gene Packwood

I think they are. When I'm on holiday we've gone to Saturday mass (without receiving communion) and enjoyed a Sunday morning at home. Besides, it fits the Hebrew sundown to sundown concept of a least for some of the year.

Prairie Words

Ah returning to our roots. A common day of Sabbath? I doubt it. Pardon my cynicism but probably in time to get to the Smorg at Denny's and sleep in Sunday AM before doing 18 holes.


I always wonder what it says about us as God's people that we are more interested in making church convenient? Maybe church should be something that doesn't just slot into our already overloaded lives?

My darling husband and I decided this fall that God understood what He was talking about when he mentioned "rest" on the Sabbath. Church was the start to a day of rest and reflection, not running errands and trying to keep up with our "hurry up and be busy so that everyone knows you are important" society.

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  • Copyright Rev. Joseph Walker, St Timothy's Anglican Church

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