Info on 2011 Holy Land Pilgrimage

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January 31, 2008


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The Sheepcat

Come, come! Consider the welcome mat already rolled out for you.


I'm thinking of going. Would be cool to tip back a pint if I get there. And yes Anglicans plant churches - we're planting one, partnering with another Anglican parish and 2 lutheran parishes.

Fun stuff.


Sheepcat - I'll contact you with the VIP arrival time.
Preston - I'd be interested in hearing more about your church planting project. And I know at least one or two places that serve a respectable brew in Toronto.


Absolutely we do. There's a new Anglican (whoops, pardon me, "Anglican style") church plant in Kanata.(Ottawa area)

Mike S

It would seem reasonable to think that Anglicans plant churches; where did they all come from?


Didn't we just steal them all from the Roman Catholics back in the 1500's?

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  • Copyright Rev. Joseph Walker, St Timothy's Anglican Church

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