Human Rights Gone Awry
What I do not associate with this deep and noble concept is getting ticked off by something you read in a magazine - or for that matter hear on television - and then scampering off to a handful - well, three - of Canada's proliferate human rights commissions - seeking to score off the magazine: this is what four Osgoode Hall law students and graduates --- a very definition of the 'marginalized' --- under the banner of the Canadian Islamic Congress have done after reading an excerpt from Mark Steyn's America Alone in Maclean’s. The complainants read the article as “flagrantly islamophobic”.
Maclean’s magazine? Well, we all know what a hotbed of radical bigotry and vile prejudice Maclean’s magazine has been. Go away … for what seems like a century Maclean’s was no more "offensive" (that is the can’t term of choice these days) than a down comforter on a cold day and if Mark Steyn's article offended them: so what? Not every article in every magazine of newspaper is meant to be a valentine card addressed to every reader's self-esteem. Maclean’s published a bushel of letters following the article's appearance: some praised it: others scorned it. That's freedom of speech: that's democracy: that's the messy business we call the exchange of ideas and opinions.full text here
And Daniel Simard, one of the complainants, has this to say, although the comments are closed...
Moving on, as I’m sure you are all are aware, I am party to a human rights complaint waged against Maclean’s magazine for the publication of an article written by Mark Steyn. Because of this, I have been one of the hot topics in the blogging world, and as a result of this and some of my posts, I have subjected our site and staff to increased scrutiny, censure and attack.
I want you all to know that I had no intention of dragging lawiscool into my personal disputes. Admittedly, I underestimated the unscrupulousness of my frantic foes and lacked the foresight necessary to obviate lawiscool’s subjection. I am grateful that you all are bearing with me and supporting me in my right and privilege to convey my messages through our blog. I also want you all to know that I grappled with the thought of excluding posts related to my dispute, but, rather than accede defeat to my crazed critics I decided it would be unjust to restrict the publication of fair and reasonable commentary.
Muslims Against Sharia has a post on the topic as well:
By now, most people living in Canada and a great many living in the US will know that a group of students at Osgoode Hall Law School have decided to take the Canadian weekly newsmagazine, Macleans, before several provincial incarnations of the Canadian Human Rights Commission. Their charge? The Canadian Islamic Congress is offended by passages from Mark Steyn's book, America Alone, which were published in an issue of MacLeans, the most offensive of which, is a quote from a Danish Muslim cleric (see second page), which the students seem not to have grasped (and what does that say about the standards at that once great, grand old institution, Osgoode Hall?).
And some reflections from the Canadian Islamic Congress site, highlighting thoughts from a 2006 strategy meeting:
II - Short-Term Action Plan
1 Rejecting media-imposed calls for Muslim "extremist/moderate" discourse.
2 Having more Muslim community media.
3 Sending more letters to editors and/or using Press Councils, etc etc as means to address frequent anti-Islam bias in the media.
4 Inviting more guests of other faiths to attend Friday prayers to make them more aware of Islam and Muslims.
5 Making a greater effort to defend and advocate for Muslim rights and responsibilities.
6 Encouraging greater participation in elections at all levels (federal, provincial, and municipal) and on government and professional boards.
7 Establishing a legal defense fund.
8 Training more Muslim representatives/spokespersons in how to use Canadian media effectively.
9 Enhancing Da’wa (education) efforts among Muslims and non-Muslims alike.
Too bad that the good Dr Elmasry of the CIC feels threatened after his many years of Anti-Zionist vitriol. He should have left his Muslim Brotherhood attitudes in Egypt. Lets pray for his conversion to Yeshua as his Lord & Saviour - enough of the moon god.
Watch out Joseph ! Under the Jan 7th "Solomonia" blog is the "British Blogger is to be arrested" for being critical of Islam. Check it out & especially the lone comment. The author of "Lionheartuk" blogspot ran afoul of the thought police and also the local Luton Pakistani crime family - not in Canada you say ??
Posted by: Wet Coast Tom | January 09, 2008 at 05:50 PM
well, I suppose one thing which I would like to understand more is why the CIC strategy includes "rejecting media-imposed calls for Muslim "extremist/moderate" discourse."
Posted by: joseph | January 11, 2008 at 10:02 PM