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January 08, 2008


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It is fascinating that Spong (a non-scientist) holds aloft science as the true absolute. I would be interested to hear a science-based reply to would be a bit less absolute in it's belief that science carries all the answers. At best, science is only good at asking questions.

And, speaking as an engineer of the aerospace ilk, there are more ways than jet propulsion to rise up in the air. Myself, I believe the ascension happened with Jesus rising up in a hot air my own prayer/visualization time (which I do clutching a copy of Einstein's memoirs) I can clearly see that this ballon is banana-shaped.

Thanks for your erudite analysis of Spong.

Scott Gilbreath

It is good that Spong wants to emphasise the "Jewishness of Jesus", but he doesn't even get that right. For a cogent and illuminating perspective of Jesus as a first-century Palestinian Jew, one could read any number of Tom Wright's books, e.g., The Original Jesus or Jesus and the Victory of God.


What I find most disappointing about this book is that it has several of the right pieces. Spong is right to suggest that devotional life and biblical scholarship need to be more in touch. But then his presuppositions cause the subjugation of devotional life to a single form of biblical scholarship. A much more helpful relationship, I think, can be seen in Pelikan's history of Christian doctrine series. Pelikan points to the relationship between what the church teaches and confesses, and its doctrine.

And of course, the basic question is one of the possibility of sacred text as revelation.

Gerry Hunter

Spong always liked to present himself as one whe was presenting a new thing. He never has, and in this book, he still hasn't. Turns out, he's just another in a line of non-scientists, who wouldn't recognize real science if it were being done on them, who want to put humans and humanity on a pedestal, and see the science they do not understand as a way to do so.

As a scientist, I don't much appreciate his efforts. It makes doing science that much harder.

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  • Copyright Rev. Joseph Walker, St Timothy's Anglican Church

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