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December 24, 2007


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Mrs. Falstaff

Don't be so hard on yourself, Fr. Joe. You don't know what influence your prayers and your friendship had on his heart before the end.

Steve L.

I am always amazed at how random occurrences have deeper meaning. We too often beat ourselves up believing we really could have done better, when it reality it was not to be. As a fire fighter and paramedic I always wonder, what if I drove faster?, what if did something different? What if? It teaches us hard lessons, usually accompanied by our tears. You are not alone feeling you have abandoned someone or something and you won't be the last. I suspect that story will find it's way into at least one sermon.

God Bless and Peace be with you


I'm not terribly hard on myself, but I know that Christmas eve shaped the way I now do ministry.

Christmastide blessings to all.

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  • Copyright Rev. Joseph Walker, St Timothy's Anglican Church

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