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December 21, 2007


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You know competition is fierce when there's jockeying and fighting before the categories are even set and nominations complete :-D

Bene D

Now that a committee is running the awards, the discussion of freeping is out in the open.
I think taking on this task has to be tough.

It is something bloggers need to talk about, I don't know what the solution is. Saskboy and committee members are getting it coming and going.:^)

I'm of mixed mind about lobbying for votes; I agree with you this effort gives us an opportuntiy to find really good blogs.
Thanks for your kind words.


What, no best prophetic blog? What gives?


Peter: are you telling me you didn't foresee that? :^)





I love this blog site! Just like KimClement. Please visit because there's a lot information about prophecy, prophet, and etc.


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  • Copyright Rev. Joseph Walker, St Timothy's Anglican Church

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