Bishop Malcolm Harding, retired Bishop of Brandon, has announced that he will minister under Archbishop Gregory Venables and the Anglican Province of the Southern Cone of the Americas, effective immediately.
Bishop Harding is the second Canadian bishop to make this announcement in the past week. It was announced on Friday that the Right Reverend Donald Harvey had been received under the Primatial authority of Archbishop Venables and would be free to offer episcopal oversight to biblically faithful Canadian Anglicans distressed by the seismic shift in the theology and practice of the Anglican Church of Canada.
Bishop Harding will assist Bishop Harvey in performing episcopal ministry in Western Canada.from here
Draw your church together, O Lord,
into one great company of disciples
together following our Lord Jesus Christ into every walk of life
together serving him in his mission to the world, and
together witnessing to his love on every continent and island.
We ask this in his name and for his sake. Amen.from here (scroll down)
The Anglican Journal has a story here.
This is not a church-dividing issue. Repeat. This is not a church-dividing issue.
Posted by: cpm | November 24, 2007 at 02:57 PM