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October 25, 2007


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What always strikes me is which one of the two would you rather have as a member of your parish? The Pharisee tithes, prays lots and always follows the rules - the tax collector has sold out his people to shake them down for the Romans. If we're being honest, the Pharisee is the one we want on vestry with us.

Note also the interesting idea of justified - we're not told that the tax collector leaves his job and follows we presume he goes back to his oppressive job, yet he's justified.


sameo - I have also been thinking of the line from the NT reading (v. 8) this week: "From now on there is reserved for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will give me on that day, and not only to me but also to all who have longed for his appearing." The sense of "longing", rather than the list of accomplishments, is what counts.


A grain of the One Truth - it is the inner intentions of our hearts that God weighs, and not just our overt actions. So a great sacrifice, offered with resentment is worthless; while a small gesture, offered with love is infinitely valued.

Although he goes back to his lifestyle "unrepentent", the tax collector longs for reconciliation and is justified as a result. The Pharisee maintains his repentent lifestyle with hardness of heart, and wins no such justification.

So the grand efforts of the head of a charitable organization who personally donates millions to help the poor, but does so with great resentment, pales in comparison to...the drug addict who offers from love his last hit to a friend suffering withdrawal? (being deliberately provocative)


Okay. Great sermon notes and comments but...I really tried to figure this out and give up. Whatever happened to the Holy Day today, you know, the Feast of St. Simon & St. Jude? I am accustomed to marking it and assumed that the BAS lectionary would too. Not a whiff of a mention at the service I attended this morning. I thought perhaps this was some new order BAS thing but I dusted my copy off and saw it listed as a Holy Day. So what gives? The 21st Sunday After Pentecost trumps St. Simon & St. Jude?


Sorry. Brain in BCP Trinity time. I mean the 22nd Sunday After Pentecost.


We did remember said saints in our prayers at St Tim's. In the meantime, anyone looking for more info can try this.

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  • Copyright Rev. Joseph Walker, St Timothy's Anglican Church

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