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August 18, 2007


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Seems to me we had a conversation about this...

I've posted a link here, and also given more links to articles on this subject on the Anabaptist Network website.


I've had this idea (upon which I have not yet acted) to have the prayers-of-the-people prayer read each intercession from a 3X5 or similar card (something colourful, perhaps) and hand the card to a child (hadn't thought of the "fools") to take to the altar. It doesn't go as far as you're heading, but which appeals, nonetheless.

Hope all is well with you and yours, Joe.


I remember a vestry meeting when everyone was getting their knickers in a knot about money for something. We had one youth member and after a bunch of the debate she cheerfully and energetically said, 'we're the leaders of the church and I bet that if people saw us supporting this that they would follow.' After a stunned moment the rest of the adults remembered that they were in fact entrusted with positions of leadership and agreed with her and the decision was made. I watch our young people pray for each other and care for each other and pray for the adults and support the adults. There is a lot of sentimentality in the church about children but I think when we treat them like they have a real ministry that they live into that expectation in beautiful ways.

Amen to you posting!


oops - your posting.


Lately I've noticed children, quite young and teenagers, seem more ministry minded. We underestimate them.

Lisa Barrowclough

This Friday I will once again have the delight of a St. Mark's Episcopal School Eucharist. I can't put into words the power of 530 children (PK4 through 8th Grade) worshiping together. Now enjoying my second year of school chaplaincy here, I still get choked up when they launch into the Lord's Prayer. It is so much more than a "sentimental" gathering. It really is worship "in Spirit and in Truth." These blessed children are no more "fools" than I am approaching the altar!


The Orthodox have a wonderful tradition of holy fools, which include a number of saints of the church. I can't recall his name, but one would wander the town naked, throw chestnuts at the candles during services and openly eat sausages during Lent.

I wonder if part of that tradition is to help remind we "serious" religious types not to take ourselves so seriously. It's also the reason I love loud, active children in the church during reminds me not to be so stoic, and to have fun while leading worhsip.


I was rereading this post and the second last line really caught my attention. Last year before I went to start my placement I printed up prayer cards for the congregation at Holy Trinity. These simply included a few somewhat generic requests for the next 8 month period.

Several weeks later I was talking to the music director from Holy Trinity and she told me that her 4 year old granddaughter had been praying for me at mealtime with her parents. This had come up out of the blue and when her parents enquired as to why she had suddenly started praying for me, they found out she was periodically picking up the spare copies of my prayer card from the back of the church and bringing them home.

I've often felt when I've gone through the various interviews during the past year was the fact that I had four year old offering prayers that God was especially listening to.


I would check out the Upswing conference. In particular what "Hugga-Wugga" (aka Dian Layton) is doing in Word of Life in Red Deer. The stories of having all the kids come in and praying for the adults of the church are amazing. The kids at Word of Life are putting on a play at Christmas called "Seeker". You should see it.

If you're wondering, the title of Dian's book "Soldiers with Little Feet" tells you a lot of her perspective on children's ministry, and it isn't just adults ministering to children....

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  • Copyright Rev. Joseph Walker, St Timothy's Anglican Church

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