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August 16, 2007


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It appears the news is big enough to have caused their site to crash. I wonder which "specific way forward" will be taken, or more precisely how many different "specific ways forward," will emerge before we've had a chance to find a way to move forward together.


Sorrow upon sorrow upon sorrow.


It seems almost inevitable that a split is coming, certainly internationally at the very least. But I can't help but think that the Canadian Network is acting precipitously. I think we have to be grateful for the 3 years gs2007 bought us.

Ann Marie

I agree with cpm's statement. Our synod delegates returned encouraged to find ways for us to work together. Instead of concentrating on that which divides us, we hope to find those things we can celebrate (and there are many) and ways that we can do the ministry needed. I am told that this is a gift from their attendance where they met each day around small tables and listened to each other. We are very aware that we will not change each other's minds on the human sexuality issue but we don't believe that this should define who we are and how we work together. It doesn't mean that we ignore the issue, it just means that we don't focus on it to the exclusion of everything else. The first step is that of rebuilding the trust that has been lost over the last few years as we allowed the issue to take precedence. We are aware that it will be a slow process and we have no clue where we are going or how we will get there. We only know that the time has come to start the healing process and we believe that we will emerge a much stronger group for all our efforts. We trust that the Spirit will guide each of us as we reach out to each other and those around us.


I'm not sure what will come of this, and it is unclear (although one can speculate endlessly) what the "specifics" are going to look like.

Ann Marie - welcome back from vacation (see, I do read your blog!). I think you are correct in naming "trust" as something which needs a whole lot of grace and work in this business.


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  • Copyright Rev. Joseph Walker, St Timothy's Anglican Church

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