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July 29, 2007


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Have you seen Amazing Grace yet? I thought it was flawed but still very moving. I plan to take a bio of Wilberforce on my holidays. I'll have to take a look at this too. Looking forward to hearing more about it.



Enjoy. I skimmed an abridged edition for an assignment last year(education having a way of intruding on actual learning). I might have to go back now and read it more thoroughly.


Great Wilberforce quote here:

William Wilberforce commenting on nominal Christianity in his book A Practical View of Christianity:

“The fatal habit of considering Christian morals as distinct from Christian doctrines insensibly gained strength. Thus the peculiar doctrines of Christianity went more and more out of sight, and as might naturally have been expected, the moral system itself also began to wither and decay, being robbed of that which should have supplied it with life and nutriment.”


Erin: I have not yet seen the movie, maybe I'll rent it and do a movie review as well :^)

So far the book has not disappointed.

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  • Copyright Rev. Joseph Walker, St Timothy's Anglican Church

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