Info on 2011 Holy Land Pilgrimage

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July 20, 2007


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the week w/o the city at johns farm, even with running water was like that.


I have come to the conclusion that even though the final vision - the new Jerusalem - is a city, the municipal life as we experience it here is much lacking...


the thing is, and this might be different context, is that i am looking forward to the urbanity of new jerusalem. i think humans gained a collective sense of selves in ur...


man is a political animal


i think we are more social than political, politics is one way (like religion or family or culture or war or sports) that we process that history

Mrs. Falstaff

We are going to pack tent, four children, one dog, and two adults into our Kia Sedona and drive north for two weeks, and see where we end up.

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blank stare...

  • Copyright Rev. Joseph Walker, St Timothy's Anglican Church

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