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July 22, 2007


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Scott Gilbreath

Way to go, Joe. Don't you feel better already? (I think I do.)

Re #7. I have a Shiraz that just might change your mind.


I am always open to "dialogue"...


You are a classical pianist pirate priest?


What I mean to say is, thank you for doing that.



aarrrrhhh, pipe down below decks, or I'll contrapunt ye into the depths of the baptismal font


i might have a malbec that would change yr mind nearly as much as scott's shiraz

BuckNakedFaith guy

Pinot or Shiraz or my personal fav-- Sangiovese... it always goes better with friendship and/or the view you've had from your "office"! Peace bro'. Eric Sandras


I have two words for you, Joe - 'single malt'.

Stay true til death.

steve the z

Are these chapter titles, if so it's the beginings of a decent bio. I'll keep a bottle of pinot at hand for the 28th.


RE: #2

Keep practicing...


Troy: you know, some people have an EXCESS of pianos in THEIR house...

ps - the raspberries are ripe


An excess of pianos? Now I'm jealous.


Eric, thanks for dropping by. I plan to post a review of your book sometime (it's over in the sidebar, folks). Maybe reading it with a glass of sangiovese in hand is the way to go.



Two pianos (soon to be three), two harpsichords, and a pipe organ are too much? Hmmmm. Raspberries for a piano... hmmm. They better be good.


Brideshead Revisited. You can take the boy out of King's College, but you can;t take King's College out of the boy.


Deo, Legi, Regi, Gregi.

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  • Copyright Rev. Joseph Walker, St Timothy's Anglican Church

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