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July 03, 2007


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Cole's notes version?

1. Eucharist is the primary blessing / expression of blessing from God to Man.
2. There is no blessing which a person can do that is in addition to or replacement for a blessing from God.
3. Marriages are blessed because of the Eucharist, not any other ceremony.

What is the connection to the "instructions for the celebration of the Eucharist for civil unions or other relationships"? Was there the possibility of blessing other relationships outside of a Eucharist ceremony? Is there a link to this that someone can post?


Great letter. My concern is that most of the House of Bishops will need a Cole's Notes for this, and likely most clergy, and for sure most lay people. It seems to me there is a very very "low" understanding of the sacraments in the Anglican Church of Canada. Are there any catholic evangelicals left? Were there ever very many?


alex: the letter is in response to a statement issued by the Canadian house of bishops earlier this spring.

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  • Copyright Rev. Joseph Walker, St Timothy's Anglican Church

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