Craig Romkema lives with his family in a log house in the Midwest. He types his poems on a computer, with physical support to stabilize his body. Craig is a person living with autism and cerebral palsy. After graduating from high school with honors, Craig spent a year writing, and is now attending college part-time.
I told my mouth
but the message
while seconds dragged into minutes
and the restless woman
said fast
swiftly dashing
assumptions of
behind her.
Words are
an endless abyss;
garbled speech,
a target for dishonor;
persistent rotten storytelling,
a huge annoyance;
boring tapes that demean my image.
You whose language flows
whose ideas sparkle like wine
on the tongue,
remember your gift
and use it well,
for me.
From Craig's collection "Embracing the Sky: Poems Beyond Disability" .
ps to Dr. Mabuse: Our Sarah Joy (she'll be 6 next month) lives with Down Syndrome.
Ahh, she's a sweetie pie!
Posted by: Dr. Mabuse | June 21, 2007 at 08:18 PM
Hey Joe!
I feel the need to tell you that there are two priests here where I am (in positions of authority, if you could call them that)... who claim to know you.
Anne and I have spent the last two days hearing stories about ol' funny Joey Walker and how studious you were while studying your MA at Kings. I have to tell you, I just don't see you the same anymore.
Just kidding... but not kidding that Rev. Gary Thorne and Rev. Walter Hannam (sp?) say hi! And have asked me to tell you that you should remember where your loyalty really resides when voting for the Primacy tomorrow morning and that one "your own" from home is one of the candidates up for nomination... just passing on the message... :)
Thanks for the updates... and BTW, Sarah Joy is one amazing lil' gal - but ya'll prolly already knew that.
Posted by: The Fun Youth Minister | June 21, 2007 at 10:35 PM
Hey FYM: hope you guys enjoy your time. I love the trail which goes up to the old Fort Lookout south of Jasper. There are a a few Jasper retreat stories up my sleeve as well :^) Say hi to Gary & Walter for me!
Posted by: joseph | June 22, 2007 at 12:38 AM