Info on 2011 Holy Land Pilgrimage

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April 02, 2007


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Mrs. Falstaff

Er, you don't have a *lot* of time to change your mind at this point.....


well, my favorite cafe is open til midnight... :^)


Oh go for the latter. The footwashing thing has been done to death and there can never be enough good preaching on the Institution of the Eucharist. Should you choose that theme,please please consider posting your sermon here?


it's about 8:30 and I just got a latte...

Church Guy

Susan, are you in Edmonton? If so, wouldn't it be great to hear the sermon live? (Hint: St. Timothy's Church, 8420 - 145 Street, 7pm, Thursday.)

Mrs. Falstaff

That would be a Pretty Long Drive for me.....s

Mrs. Falstaff

Typos, typos, blame them on small squirmy two year old boy in lap. Make that crabby small two year old.

Church Guy

A Pretty Long Drive indeed. But surely there are flights...


Church Guy: I heard it was the curate's sermon on good friday that was the best of the lot...

Mrs. Falstaff

Well, we get pretty good preaching at our parish, too...

It *still* isn't a clickable link. I don't know how to fix that, sorry.

Mrs. Falstaff

Well, we get pretty good preaching at our parish, too...

It *still* isn't a clickable link. I don't know how to fix that, sorry.

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  • Copyright Rev. Joseph Walker, St Timothy's Anglican Church

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