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March 08, 2007


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Scott Gilbreath

Good man. If you use all your pastoral skills, perhaps you can convince the ladies that they should stick to their tea and let coffee drinkers buy the coffee.

Ian McKenzie

Could you sneak into our office some night? Please!!! ;)


And you post this on your blog? Takes a brave man to laugh in the face of certain calamity, the type of calamity that can befall a man trespassing in the hallowed halls of the Church Kitchen :-)


I think it's actually a test to see how blog- and internet-savvy his new congregation really is. Depending on the demographic, posting it on a blog is effectively the same as writing it down on a napkin and sticking it in a box marked "old tax records" in the basement under the stairs...

Mrs. Falstaff


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  • Copyright Rev. Joseph Walker, St Timothy's Anglican Church

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