Info on 2011 Holy Land Pilgrimage

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December 29, 2006


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Should you not footnote that last post with,"It makes sense"?

Blessings on the transition from one important ministry to another. "It makes sense"


Joseph, may Almighty God comfort your heart in the leaving and give you strength for and joy in the entering.


Joe, welcome to the joy and frustration and satisfaction and heartache of parish life.

This is the first day of your new appointment. It's also a public holiday. I hope, my friend, that you are taking it off!!!

Bless you. Your friendship has been a comfort and strength to me, and I am delighted that you are going to be at St. Tim's now. It's a good name!


Regards, Joe. I miss our accidental-on-purpose meetings and the penetrating discussions that resulted.

I'll be a regular in the nether hallways of HUB this term, so I'll keep an eye out for the ghost of Joe. Although the smoker's area is most likely site for haunting as there he can drift discretely in and out of the exhaust.


i'm back today, and am going to try to figure out what my new email address is going to be. that should tire me out and then i'll have to have a nap...


My gift to you, Joe... would you prefer [email protected] or [email protected]? I was thinking about .com just to be subversive, but wasn't sure -- maybe we should save that for when you start putting out felix hominum t-shirts...


hmmm... I kind of like the canadian ring to the "dot ca" version. I think we got some potential happening there, Winston!


Well you are the number two religious blog in all the land of the true north strong and free. The wheels are in motion...


Joe my friend, blessings as you begin your new journey. Peace...Ron+

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  • Copyright Rev. Joseph Walker, St Timothy's Anglican Church

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