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November 08, 2006


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"The option to end the suffering of a severely disabled newborn baby - who might have been aborted if the parents had known earlier the extent of its disabilities and potential suffering - should be discussed."
Yikes. So possible suffering should outweigh love? hope? blessing? grace? life? That thing up there (next to the clouded crystal ball) is the top of the slippery slope.


Yes, it's quite a series of thoughts coming from the RCOG. It really is about that clouded crystal ball thing - the idea of a determinism in which the future for a person is necessarily predicted. And what exactly is the "cut off" timeline for a "newborn" to have its "suffering ended"? This stuff really needs to be addressed.

Mrs. Falstaff

Any doctor who suggested anything of the kind to me would have got this response: Over My Dead Body.

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  • Copyright Rev. Joseph Walker, St Timothy's Anglican Church

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