You've seen the little box often enough:
It's always asking you to choose an application.
"when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy"
While we were chatting about the place of music in the church last sunday at sol cafe, a few thoughts were rumbling around. That little quote from Job expresses something about "music" as something which, in a way, is built into the structure of creation - what an older generation might have called the music of the spheres.
Second, there was a question raised about "application". Now there are many, many, many things in the Scriptures which invite us to "application" - to a "doing something about". The Christian life is an active one. But it is also a contemplative one. Sometimes we are not called to choose an application; we are called to a contemplative adoration in the presence of God. Yes, it's a tricky sort of thing; and it's open to all sorts of misinterpretation. But the focus is on God, rather than our activity,