In the spirit of the the age, you can pick from two un/church events this sunday:
Winston will be leading a bit of discussion around some ideas in the book: "Inside The Organic Church: Learning From Emerging Congregations." Seems that the sol cafe has its own chapter in this work by Bob Whitesel, Associate Professor in the Department of Graduate Studies in Ministry at Indiana Wesleyan University. As well, there wil be some discussion around Matthew 18: 15-20, which I think someone talked about here.
Happens at Cafe Dabar, 5 ish.
So there!! Google me this, you emerging church, friend of emergent, missional, tall skinny kiwi redneck Albertan, post-modern, candles and celtic prayers and schmancy artsy mystical sit around and drink coffee and call it church. Sorry, just got carried away for a minute. Emerging church...must write blog...
On the other hand, a new rector will be inducted at St George's parish (just west of Lister Hall on 87 Ave) this Sunday at 4 pm. Rev. Emma Vickery has been appointed the new pastor of that congregation. It promises to be a fine liturgical event, with yours truly preaching on the occasion (send me sermon ideas). After which duties are completed, I hope to be joining the rest of the crowd at sol.
Take your pick.
ed: because of the vast all-encommpassing nature of this blog post, the Technorati tags associated with the content of this post will cover only a fraction of the relevant, conversational, liturgical and forward thinking ideas which need to be addressed...
what? someone call me name?
ohhh . . . its just you, Joe.
Posted by: tall skinny kiwi | October 12, 2006 at 11:43 PM
And to think that some of my friends thought I made that part up...
ps, for those who don't know, Andrew has been a global voice in the conversation for a while, and I've popped over to his blog from time to time.
Andrew - thanks for your comment, and I trust you are refreshed from your fast!
Posted by: joseph | October 13, 2006 at 12:17 AM