Info on 2011 Holy Land Pilgrimage

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September 07, 2006


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Who wrote this?


I found it on the back of a napkin at cafe leva...


...but what did Hooker say about the episcopate?


I believe all that needed to be said was expressed to Timothy...


Timothy Leary?


well, he didn't give a last name...


and ps - the other side of napkin had something from Augustine on the same topic, only I've misplaced it for the moment


When you find this napkin, perhaps you should use this alleged, apparently anon, napkin for what it was intended. Wipe your hands and be rid of it - once and for all.... I'm jus sayin'.


umm...speaking of Catholics, isn't one of them in the news these days? What do you make of that?


umm...who was speaking of Catholics? I was trying to infer something about Heretics. But to answer your question directly - I make nothing of it. But, if one should have a personal opinion, I suggest reading the blog "The Devout Life", for information purposes, not necessarily adoption. It has a rather interesting make of it. Also, I recommend reading the Pope's book "Truth and Tolerance".

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  • Copyright Rev. Joseph Walker, St Timothy's Anglican Church

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