It's late in the evening, and you think you have a little bit of private time all to yourselves. The last time you checked the kids were all asleep. And so you begin. Sometimes it has seemed lately that there just hasn't been enough time, or energy, or even desire for this as there was in the early years. And trying to do it with a 5 week old semi-sleeping next to you, well, you get the picture.
You start, and it takes some warm up time because there is so much on your minds. Finally, the peace, the space, and then - because your minds are focused elsewhere, you didn't even hear the small footsteps creeping down the hallway. Before you know it 3 kids have stumbled into the room, and caught you in the act. And there the two of you are - praying.
Have your kids ever caught you at it?
I'm never reading your blog late at night again. I'm off to find my happy place now.
Posted by: Shawn Branch | May 08, 2006 at 10:39 PM
You could make your million writting christian ..............!!!!
Posted by: shirley perry | May 08, 2006 at 10:46 PM
wasn't it obvious what I was talking about?!!
Posted by: Joseph | May 09, 2006 at 09:44 PM
I agree with Shirley, start writing and we will send your manuscript off to Ignatius Press! Great little post.
Posted by: Poul | May 12, 2006 at 07:45 AM
I think the line actually came from an old friend & spiritual guide. He first posed the question, though not in quite the same terms. How often do we surprise our kids with our faith?
Posted by: Joseph | May 12, 2006 at 04:35 PM
I hope never to surprise my kids with my faith. I hope they grow up thinking it's as normal and commonplace as... using the phone, flicking a switch and having a light go on, moms and dads still smooching and saying "I love you" after years of being married, rainbows after it rains, breathing. All miracles in their way, but just how things are.
As to how often my kids surprise me with their faith... that puts me to shame...
Posted by: Winston | May 14, 2006 at 01:10 AM
I agree with a lot of what you are saying, Winston. I hope that my faith is so evident in my life that my kids see it as something that we live day in and day out. I think, though, that there are some of us who, as time and career and life go by, find ourselves under that curse of "busyness". And I think for myself it is a temptation to get so busy with "stuff", that good intentions can slowly evaporate. I think it is also a reminder to people that prayer should not be a surprise to their kids!
As to how our kids surprise us, well, I'm sure we could fill a whole evening at sol cafe on just that topic! Which gives me an idea...
Posted by: Joseph | May 15, 2006 at 05:32 PM
Good warning and fair criticism, Joe. And probably why I said I "hope" I never surprise them, being very familiar with the curse of "busyness" and its effects. And truth be told, do they see me in prayer as often as they see the other commonplace things I listed? Nope. Do they know I am also frequently praying in my head? I hope so. I hope it shows in the overt things in my life.
And first on my list of how my kids surprise me with their faith is how often they remind my to pray. Probably the only reason I haven't slipped enough to surprise them!
Posted by: Winston | May 16, 2006 at 10:41 AM