In light of the fact that I mentioned that theology has become scary, I thought I would ease people into the topic in a rather convivial manner.
So Dr. Tom Oosterhuis & myself have been tossing around the idea that perhaps we would offer a bit of a get together on something of a more theological nature, and prove that it is not as scary as you might think. We think we will offer a study group on Colin Gunton's book "The One, the Three and the Many" - based on his Brampton Lectures.
We are also thinking as an added bonus that we would meet in the comfy surroundings of the Faculty Club, as an antidote to the usual surroundings of the weekday Bible studies in HUB or SUB, and a bit of a break from the Power Plant.
And in the great tradition of the Whitehorse Inn (where great theologians gathered to drink, under the guise of talking about God), we might even buy a pitcher of liquid thought.