Note to self:
I have achieved the full glory of Canadian Manhood.
I have completed my backyard rink.
It's not as difficult as it may seem. The key is in laying down consecutive layers, letting each one thoroughly freeze, and then laying down more layers. If you try to just put one big layer down, you may end up getting cracks, as various strata will freeze in slightly different timelines.
Works the same say within. Lay down just one thin soaking of indifference; let it harden, and then lay down another one. Repeat the process for a while and voila - a prefectly ice cold heart. The small and steady repetition is what makes the final product so impenetrable; each layer bonded to the one below and the one above. It might not even melt after a long time in the sun.
For further instructions see Dante's Inferno. The center of Hell is cold, not hot - the opposite of the flame of love.
"Harden not your hearts"