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September 09, 2005


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Shirley perry

Joe, thanks for sharing! I gained strength from your article. It is all a matter of perspective and how our minds can adapt to the things dealt to us!

Shirley perry

Joe, thanks for sharing! I gained strength from your article. It is all a matter of perspective and how our minds can adapt to the things dealt to us!


Beautiful. As a writer, I am wondering some things. Did you have a maximum word count to deal with? Also, I'm not aquainted with the publication, so what I am going to say needs to be tempered by that. What I feel that I'd like to see here is for you to relate some idea of her as a person for whom your love outweighs the cost. You have told us, but you have not shown us. I appreciate all the rest, however. I've had that moment--not a decision--but fear about what I had to face in the future when my infant son was diagnosed as epileptic.


thanks for your comments. Annie, I'm not much of a writer, so I could use some editorial guidance (maybe if I could email you privately & get some feedback as I work through the drafts??).



Considering the mess I made of that last sentence in my last comment, I'm honored that you would thing to ask. I'd be more than glad to take a look at it as you work through it. Although, I will say that I've read many pieces in print that are every bit as well done as this, it could have a more heart touching element to it.


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  • Copyright Rev. Joseph Walker, St Timothy's Anglican Church

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