For the locals here at the U of A, reading week is now officially upon us, and mid terms are behind us. Time to drop by Dabar and see what is up with the sol cafe plans for tomorrow. See you at 5pm SHARP. Is Christianity about a set of beliefs or about a way of life?
Joe, I think this is a classic case of "both and", don't you? If we believe in our hearts that Christ rose from the dead, and confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord... So it is a profession of real beliefs. I think that is the key, we must truly believe, truly be affected by the risen Christ. The problem with many of us, is that we don't actually believe what we profess, and thus, our lives do not reflect what we say we believe. So the question for me is how do we get to actually believing? How do we get past the question, that plea to Jesus, "please help me with my unbelief!" How do we get to the place where the belief is not simply ascent to a set of cognitive ideals, but an actual transformation of our hearts, our very beings? This is the journey that I am now on.
Posted by: Flambero | February 21, 2005 at 08:49 AM