We recently discovered that SJ has some hearing deterioration. Most of us have a threshold of about 20db, and normal conversation is about 50 db, and after her last round of tests, SJ’s hearing threshold has moved to about 30db. She now has mild hearing loss, mainly due to the structure of her inner ear. That’s just the way her body has been formed. Some degree of hearing loss is common (30-60%) in persons with Down Syndrome.
I first encountered the phrase “inner ear” in Augustine’s Confessions. He was writing of course in the spiritual sense – our ability to hear God’s voice. For some of us, the threshold seems low, we can hear even God's whispers. Others of us seem to strain to catch his voice. And a few of us seem to be going deaf - we can only hear when he shouts.
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Reminders that grace is above what nature supplies.
Great blog. I think this is such an important point. Hearing is, of course, associated with our ears and I think many people don’t stop to think about the role that the brain is playing too. I am quite sure I will learn plenty of new stuff right here! Best of luck for the next! Thanks for sharing…
Posted by: hearing aids | June 27, 2011 at 05:38 AM